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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/17/07


September 17, 2007

Meeting called to order at 6:18 P.M. at Town Hall.

Present   Elizabeth A. Gorski, Donald N. Greaney and William H. Darke, Chairman

Library Director
Director Burbridge and Trustee Susan Hancox met with the Board to introduce Marilyn ‘Mern’ Ebinger, the Director’s choice to fill the position of Children’s Librarian.  Mim told the Board that Ebinger has a library background, has worked with children and will be a good fit for the library.  She also told the Board that this is a replacement position that has already been budgeted for; that the position was 28 hours, was reduced to 21 for the convenience of the former employee, and will now be 26 hours and the new employee will not need insurance.  The Board asked whether staff will be available if the library implements Saturday hours and Burbridge responded that all staff has been informed that there may be coverage needed for Saturday hours.  Finance Director Labrecque asked for a staffing chart and Hancox told Greg that the Trustees are prepared to live within the budget.  Selectman Greaney asked when the hours increased for the library staff employees and Burbridge replied “a long time ago”.   Burbridge told the Board that she feels Ebinger will be a good fit with the remaining staff.

Upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve the hiring of Marilyn Ebinger,  Bradford, MA
                  for a six month probationary period in accordance with the
                  provisions of the employees’ personnel policy manual.
NIMS Coordinator
Emergency Management Director Steve Sargent requested the Board appoint him as the town’s NIMS (National Incident Management System) Coordinator; that David Tuttle was the former Coordinator for the town but no longer serves in that capacity.  The NIMS Coordinator over sees that departments who would be first responders in an emergency have proper training.  Upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, it was unanimously

VOTED:   To appoint Stephen Sargent as the Town’s NIMS Coordinator,
                 said appointment effective immediately through June 30, 2008.

At the request of Bruce Adams of the Affordable Housing Committee, Michael Riopelle, 13 Carlida Road and Kevin Eddy, 274 School Street met separately with the Board to introduce themselves and request appointment to the Committee.  Adams had spoken
with both men by telephone and recommended they be appointed.  Following a brief discussion with each, Gorski moved, Greaney seconded, and it was unanimously
en and one woman, upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To appoint Michael Riopelle, 13 Carlida Road, and Kevin Eddy,
                  274 School Street, to the Affordable Housing Committee, said
                  appointments effective immediately through June 30, 2008.
Approval of Minutes
Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To accept the Minutes of the meeting of  September 4, 2007,
                 as presented.

Approval of Payroll Warrant
Moved Greaney, seconded Darke, and it was

VOTED:    To approve Payroll Warrant #08-10.
                    Greaney, Darke “Aye”; Gorski “Abstain”

Approval of Bill and Deduction Warrants
Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:    To approve Warrants #08-08A, and #08-11.
Zoning Board of Appeals-
James Dole, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals  again met with the Board to discuss the violation of the building at 364 Main Street.  Building Inspector Schenad was present also.  Dole explained that the overhang added to the house is improper and if a porch were added to it the house would be hit with snow during plowing season.  Schena told the Selectmen that the building project has been going on for months; that he has tried seeing the builder but has not caught up with him.  Chairman Darke asked if it’s a pre-existing non-conforming lot and if it’s built on as it was do they still need to go to the Zoning Board and Dole replied that people need to do it right and should ask the Zoning Board; that the ZBA wants to work with people.  Patriakeas said that every application receives a finding of fact which protects their property.   It was suggested that the overhang is so close to the road that if it were expanded on it would become a safety issue.  Schena stated he will inform the owner of the problem and have them contact the Zoning Board.

Group Insurance Commission Insurance Change
Finance Director Labrecque presented the Board with the Memorandum of Agreement Pursuant to M.G.L., c. 32B, sec. 19 which he prepared and Town Counsel has approved for the purpose of transferring employees to the State Group Insurance Plans.  Chairman Darke commended Labrecque for getting the work on this change completed so quickly and in time for the October 1st requirement.  Labrecque responded that he was able to do so thanks to everyone cooperating.

Upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, it was unanimously

VOTED:   To sign the Memorandum of Agreement as referenced above,
                  a copy of same attached hereto, with said transfer becoming
                  effective on July 1, 2008.

This change in insurance plans is expected to save the town considerable money next year.

Town Fields
Selectman Greaney informed his fellow board members of his conversations with resident Joe D’Amore and Athletic Director Dan Thornton regarding D’Amore’s concerns with Pentucket’s failure to properly schedule for use of Groveland’s fields.
Greaney informed the Board that the matter has been settled; that the AD forwarded their complete schedule of games so that the town is now aware of the dates they will not need use of Shanahan field in case another group wants to use it.

Executive Session
Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To enter into Executive Session in accordance with the provisions
                 of MG L, Chapter 39, Section 23B (3), for the purpose of discussing
                  legal opinion from Town Counsel regarding potential litigation.  

                  DARKE, GORSKI, GREANEY – “AYE”

Executive Session was entered at 7:06 P.M and closed at 7:19 P.M.  The Minutes of the Executive Session are on file in a separate binder in the PersonNameBoard of Selectmen Assistant’s Office.  The Board announced that they will adjourn their meeting at the conclusion of the closed session.

There being no further business to come before the Board, moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To adjourn.
                  Adjourned at 7:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Lewandowski
Administrative Assistant